In contrast with our modern and sophisticated geometrical glass sculpture series, the bell jar glass vessel of "The Colony - L" is a more scientific and traditional approach to collecting botanical specimens.
"The Colony - Lā design revolves around the transplantation of multiple ZERO Moss species preserved at different growth stages onto painstakingly sculpted oak cork bark.
Alongside preserved wood roots and all housed within a crystal clear bell jar, it delivers an immersive and surreal 360-degree view around the entire botanical sculpture.
#terraliving #zeroseries #terrarium #thecolony #zeromoss #zeroseries #preservedmoss #herbarium #belljar #belljarterrarium #preservedmossterrarium #mossterrarium #moss #botanicalsculpture #plantsculpture #indoorplants #botanicalaesthetics #calming #satisfying #aesthetics #plantlife #mosslife #mossart #mosslove #terrariummelaka #terrariummalaysia #mossmelaka #mossmalaysia
