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The Endolith - A Preserved Moss Wall Terrarium by TerraLiving

A slice of natural Moss Wall on your desk, "The Endolith" by TerraLiving.

• • • Design concept & philosophy • • •

Imagine slicing up a piece of rock collected from a hill, and, if you're lucky enough, you can find a mixture of lively and colourful deposits randomly distributed on the rock surface. These may be Endolith.

An Endolith is an organism that lives inside rock, coral, animal shells, or in the pores between mineral grains of a rock. They are found in unexpected and extreme places inhospitable to life.

Inspired by this beautiful lifeform, our designers re-imagine the creation of "The Endolith" colonies and how they would look within a thin glass vessel that will fit seamlessly into any desk space as if a slice of very nature itself.










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