Our passion for design and creation comes from the desire to bring incredible ideas to life, giving you something to be proud of every day as you look upon it.
TerraLiving is all about driving innovations, creating works of art that are beautiful and eye-catching. We take our work seriously to craft our vision into reality with unparalleled attention to detail. But while we take great pride in our work, we don’t forget the practical considerations into its every moving part.
We care about every detail, ever mindful of every component, from moss cultivation, preservation, wood processing and glass design to putting everything into what you see today.
Just as there are many steps in creating any well-designed artwork, our dedicated team of scientists and designers are involved in making it all happen.
#terraliving #geometricterrarium #displayart #vertex #thevertex #botanicalcollection #theterraliving #TERRApeutic #zeroseries #behindthescenes #zeromoss #zeromossterrarium #treemoss #preservedmoss #terrarium #geometry #botanicalgift #glassart #mossterrarium #preservedmossterrarium #botanicalaesthetics #botanicalart #mossart #mosswall #preservedmosswall #satisfying #indoorplants #biophilic #terrariummalaysia